Adaptive Query Processing based on Degree Information

This page depicts the landscapes of the static and dynamic query evaluation, and the relationship of our results (PODS'20) with prior results.

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As shown in the left figure, our static result recovers the prior results for conjunctive queries [6] by setting $\epsilon = 1$ and $\alpha$-acyclic queries [1] by setting $\epsilon = 0$; For free-connex queries, $\mathsf{w} = 1$ and the preprocessing time remains O(N) regardless of $\epsilon$; we then recover the constant delay [1] by choosing $\epsilon$ = 1.

The right figure shows that by setting $\epsilon = 1$, our dynamic result recovers prior work on conjunctive [5], q-hierarchical [2] and free-connex [3] queries, where $\mathsf{w} = 1$ and $\delta \in \{0,1\}$ for free-connex queries and $\mathsf{w} = 1$ and $\delta = 0$ for q-hierarchical queries.


[1] Guillaume Bagan, Arnaud Durand, and Etienne Grandjean. On Acyclic Conjuntive Queries and Constant Delay Enumeration. In CSL, pages 208-222, 2007.

[2] Christoph Berkholz, Jens Keppeler, and Nicole Schweikardt. Answering Conjunctive Queries Under Updates. In PODS, pages 303-318, 2017.

[3] Muhammad Idris, Martin Ugarte, and Stijn Vansummeren. The Dynamic Yannakakis Algorithm: Compact and Effcient Query Processing Under Updates. In SIGMOD, pages 1259-1274, 2017.

[4] Ahmet Kara, Hung Q. Ngo, Milos Nikolic, Dan Olteanu, and Haozhe Zhang. Counting triangles under updates in worst-case optimal time. In ICDT, pages 4:1-4:18, 2019.

[5] Milos Nikolic and Dan Olteanu. Incremental View Maintenance with Triple Lock Factorization Benefits. In SIGMOD, pages 365-380, 2018.

[6] Dan Olteanu and Jakub Zavodny. Size Bounds for Factorised Representations of Query Results. ACM TODS, 40(1):2:1-2:44, 2015.